On occasion I get some ink. Here is a sampling... (in order of discovery)
- "Wi-Fi Puts Windblown California Islands on the Web" by Stephen Lawson of IDG News.
- "Dead Zone Doldrums Test Skills of iPhone Customers" by Paul Boutin of the New York Times.
- "Scientists Strive to Map the Shape-Shifting Net" by John Markoff of the New York Times.
- "Low-Tech Fixes for High-Tech Problems" by Paul Boutin of the New York Times.
- "Video Road Hogs Stir Fear of Internet Traffic Jam" by Steve Lohr of the New York Times.
- "Hoodwire" by Kevin Epps of Current TV
- "Tech Disconnected" by Camille T. Taiara and Matthew Hirsch of the San Francisco Bay Guardian
- "KTVU 5PM news 9/22/05"
- "Radio Geeks Gone Wild", Metro Newspaper
- "Experimental free Wi-Fi LAN gaining momentum in SF", by Chris Preimesberger, NewsForge
- "Wi-Fi changes virtually everything", by Michelle Kessler, USA TODAY
- "Free Wi-Fi Blankets San Francisco", by Melanie Kim, Tech Live - TechTV
- "Free and Easy", by Chris Taylor - Time Magazine
- "Adventures in Wi-Fi", by Clive Thompson - Sacramento News and Review
- "Grassroots effort aims to connect wireless users", by Radhika Kaushik - Silicon Valley Business Ink.
- "Led by Intel, True Believers in Wi-Fi Say It Will Endure", by John Markoff - New York Times
- "Killer Apps Share A Common Thread: Hacker Geeks", by Radhika Kaushik for ExtremeTech - Ziff Davis Media
- "Can Wi-Fi Take Us the Last Mile?", by Cory Doctorow for Business 2.0
- "Free Wi-Fi in the Mountains", by Nicole Carrico for TechTV
- "Les réseaux de voisinage sans fil", by Francis Pisani for the Le Monde/France. Click here for a rather strange French to English translation.
- "More Cities Set Up Wireless Networks", by John Markoff for the NY Times
- "Public wireless networking seeks high-tech, low-cost access", by David
Hoye for The Sacramento Bee.
- "I Was a Wi-Fi Freeloader", by Steven Levy for Newsweek.
- "Something in the air: The plumber's friend", by Thom Stark for IBM's developerWorks web site.
- "Land of the 'Freenet'", by Pam Sturner for the Palo Alto Weekly
- "Community Wi-Fi Challenges 3G for High-Speed Wireless Access", by Bart Eisenberg for the Japanese publication "Software Design"
- "Many working behind scenes to improve Web", by Paul Andrews for The Seattle Times. (a very kind notation about me)
- "Wireless Interference - A conversation with BAWUG's Tim Poar", New Architect.
- "Public 802.11 nets raise tech, business concerns", From EE Times".
- "Wi-Fi users warned of pirates ", From CNET News.com".
- "Wi-Fi fans Grassroots techies want to build a wireless Internet network across the Bay Area", From The SF Chronicle".
- "Broadband to the people!", From The Bay Guardian".
- "Wireless Road Trip", From On Magazine.
- "Keeping the Access Wireless and Free", From HP's MPULSE magazine of December of 2001.
- WiFi by SJ Mercury New's Maureen Fan.
- America's Network covering the linking of multiple NANs together" by Dan Sweeney.
- "Aux Etats-Unis, un mouvement militant et alternatif - Les réseaux sans fil communautaires contrarient les géants du Net rapide" (liberation.com).
or the google translated version.
- NY Times on "The Corner Internet Network vs. the Cellular Giants" by John Markoff (NY Times).
- Washington Post does their NANs and community wireless networks story.
- LA Times' Dave Wilson's story "Cutting the Cord".
- Washington Monthly's "The Broad Band Militia".
- Cnet covers NANs and community wireless networks.
- How 802.11 will not be a threat to 3G in Inforworld
- On 802.11b and community networks in the NY Times.
- On the size of the web.
- On the State of SPAM on the net. CNN's version and The Standard's version.
- On the threat to a San Francisco mayoral canidate via Associated Press and the The old SF Examiner.
- The Melissa Virus and MS Word..
- How spam polutes the net..
- Howard Rheingold interviews Tom Jennings and I for the book The Virtual Community.
- Digital Audio Broadcast in Wired News.